Surman Journal of Science and Technology
<p><strong>Surman Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)</strong>: An international, semi-annual refereed scientific journal issued by Surman College of Science and Technology that aims to provide an opportunity for researchers in universities, institutions and specialized scientific bodies to provide more creative and innovative scientific and cultural giving, and to encourage original research that includes an original opinion or theory. Innovative or new discovery in various branches of knowledge in both Arabic and English.</p> <p><strong>Journal Mission</strong>:<br />Publishing refereed scientific research in science and engineering with a modern civilized vision in accordance with international scientific standards for acceptance and publication of research.</p> <p><strong>Journal Vision</strong>:<br />To be a scientific journal, leading in the field of refereed scientific research in science and engineering, and to be among the most famous databases of local, regional and international scientific institutions and societies in the service of scientific research.</p> <p><strong>Surman Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)</strong> adopts Open Access, a publication model that enables publication of research articles to the global community without restrictions via the Internet. Thus, anyone connected to the Internet can access all the articles, research and materials published in the journal.</p> <p><strong>Surman Journal of Science and Technology</strong> strongly supports the open access initiative. All abstracts and full texts of all articles published in the journal are available to everyone free of charge as soon as they are published.</p>Surman College of Science and Technologyen-USSurman Journal of Science and Technology2790-5713Stuck Pipe Management & Analysis Operation In Bahr Essalam field NC41, Offshore Basin, Northwest -Libya
<p>This paper study the most important factors control to avoid differential type of sticking pipe in drilling well such as mud loss or depth of set casing, and other parameter. Fluid mud drilling loss is an influencing factor, where fluid loss, the mud cake would be undesirable thick, and the chance of sticking is increasing with the extent of fluid loss. The same results of improper hole cleaning. In summary, the most important factors to avoid differential sticking: Knowing the type of lithology geology of the area, casing design, planned mud program. The area study NC 41, the main problem is total mud loss due to fractures. To overcome the fluid loss and stuck pipe problems, measures such as adding CaCO3 and high-viscosity mud to reduce fluid loss, analyzing mud weight adjustments, and evaluating drilling parameters like flow rates and pipe diameters were employed. Adjustments led to a more controlled drilling process and reduced risks of differential sticking.</p>Emad AljabaliYahya Salem
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2024-06-062024-06-0662001016دور تحليل البيانات الضخمة في اتخاذ القرارات الاستراتيجية المالية
<p>البيانات الكبيرة تمثل تحديا هاما للمؤسسات اليوم، حيث يواجهون في تزايد حجم وتعقيد البيانات. يشكل تحليل هذه البيانات تحديا كبيرا أمام عملية اتخاذ القرارات الاستراتيجية المالية. يأتي تحليل البيانات الضخمة ليلعب دورا محوريا في تمكين المؤسسات من استخدام هذه البيانات لاتخاذ قرارات استراتيجية مالية مستنيرة وقائمة على أسس دقيقة.</p> <p>يهدف هذا البحث إلى استكشاف دور تحليل البيانات الضخمة في تعزيز عملية اتخاذ القرارات الاستراتيجية المالية. يتناول البحث تفصيلا لتلك الأمور التي تترتب على هذا الدور من تحسين التنبؤ بالاتجاهات الاقتصادية والمالية، وتحليل الأداء المالي وتقدير المخاطر، وتحسين استراتيجيات التسويق والمبيعات، وتقديم رؤى دقيقة لاتخاذ القرارات المالية.</p> <p>من خلال تحليل الدراسات السابقة ومراجعة للمقالات المنشورة، تم التوصل الى أن تحليل البيانات الضخمة يساعد في توفير رؤى معمقة تعزز فهم البيئة المالية وتمكين اتخاذ القرارات الاستراتيجية المبنية على أسس قوية. يظهر البحث أن هذا النهج يعزز القدرة على تقدير المخاطر المالية، ويسهم في تحسين أداء الشركات وتحقيق أهداف النمو والاستدامة التي قد تؤثر على أداء السوق أو تشير إلى فرص استثمار محتملة.</p> <p>بالاستفادة من تحليل البيانات الضخمة، يمكن للمؤسسات تحقيق تفوق استراتيجي ملحوظ في سوق الأعمال. إن تطبيق هذا النهج يعزز من قدرة المؤسسات على التكيف مع التغيرات والتحديات المالية والاقتصادية بشكل أفضل وأكثر فعالية النتائج المرجوة للدراسة.</p>مفيدة ضو الهواريمحمد الطاهر علي سعد
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2024-07-142024-07-1462017029دعم المحروقات في ليبيا بين الرفع والإبقاء
<p> يعد موضوع الدعم في ليبيا بشكل عام مشكلة اقتصادية اهتمت بها الجهات المسؤولة على مدى عقود سابقة ومازالت موضوع مؤرق لمتخذي القراربين داعم لفكرة رفع الدعم بحجة أنه يرهق كاهل الخزانة العامة وحافزللتهريب خارج الحدود، وبين رافض لرفع الدعم باعتبار الفئات محدودة الدخل. ونخص بالاهتمام في هذه الورقة بموضوع رفع دعم المحروقات من عدمه وذلك لما له من آثارسلبية على أفراد المجتمع محدودي الدخل في حالة رفعه، وعليه فان هذه الدراسة تهدف الى تسليط الضوء على هذه المشكلة وإمكانية إيجاد مقترحات تؤيد أو ترفض رفع الدعم على المحروقات وذلك من خلال التعريف بإيجابيات وسلبيات رفع الدعم . حيث تبين من خلال الدراسة أنه بالرغم من إستفادة ذوي الدخول العالية والمهربين من هذا الدعم الا أنه في حالة رفع الدعم عن المحروقات فان طبقة واسعة من المجتمع تتضرر وتزداد عوزا حيث أنه لم يتمكن متخذي القرار من إيجاد آلية مناسبة لإستبدال الدعم من عيني إلى نقدي وكذلك إنخفاض سعر صرف الدينار أمام العملات الأخرى يعتبر عامل مشجع لإستمرار المهربين بالتهريب حتى وإن ارتفعت أسعار المحروقات مع عدم وجود الرادع الأمني المناسب لردع المهربين فان ذلك يعني إستمرار التهريب. لذلك يجب الإبقاء على الدعم لحين إيجاد آلية مناسبة لإستبدال الدعم من عيني إلى نقدي وكذلك وجود آلية مناسبة لملاحقة المهربين أمنيا وقضائيا.</p>عبد الحكيم الطاهر عمر
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2024-07-152024-07-1562030039السياحة الصحراوية في الجنوب الليبي البعد الاقتصادي والافاق المستقبلية
<p>The Libyan desert abounds with an unlimited balance of diverse tourist attractions that are integrated together to form a tourism product that qualifies it to occupy an important position among the tourist countries at the level of the region and the world, as most of the Libyan territories fall within the scope of the desert region, which is estimated at about 91% of the total area of the country .This tourist attraction to the Libyan desert is due to a variety of factors, the most important of which is the large number of historical, artistic, cultural, natural and geographical attractions that characterize it. All this led to the distinctiveness of desert tourism in Libya, and desert tourism is a tool for economic, social and cultural development, as it contributes to diversifying sources of income for the national economy and improving the balance of payments as well as providing hard currency, as well as eliminating many economic issues, most notably unemployment. Accordingly, this study will be concerned with diagnosing the current reality of desert tourism in southern Libya, studying the obstacles and difficulties that prevent the development of this vital sector, anticipating the future prospects for desert tourism in southern Libya, then try to reach solutions and suggestions that would overcome the difficulties that stand in the way of the development of desert tourism in southern Libya.</p>فائدة احمد سالم سعيد
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2024-07-152024-07-1562040050مقارنة القيم المحسوبة نظريا للحرارة النوعية المولية cv لمادة كلوريد الصوديوم (NaCl) باستخدام نموذج ديباي مع القيم المعملية التجريبية
<p>تمَّ إعداد هذا البحث للمقارنة بين النتائج والقيم المحسوبة نظريا للحرارة النوعية المولية بثبوت الحجم (<strong>c<sub>v</sub></strong> ) لمادة كلوريد الصوديوم (NaCl)،مع النتائج المعملية التجريبية .</p> <p>يعتبر الهدف الرئيسي من هذا البحث هو إيجاد مدى التطابق بين القيمتين النظرية والتجريبية ويتم دلك باستخدام نموذج ديباي للحرارة النوعية المولية بثبوت الحجم وتطبيقه على مادة كلوريد الصوديوم وبرنامج (ماثلاب ) يقوم بحساب هذه القيم النظرية مستخدمين في دلك درجة حرارة ديباي للمادة المدروسة 277.5K= وعدد درات الوحدة الخلية البدائية الواحدة Z=2 ومن ثم مقارنتها بالنتائج المعملية .</p>حنان الصادق الطاهر عبدالرحمنحليمة المبروك شعبان القموديعفاف صالح علي الزوالي
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2024-07-152024-07-1562051057Design and Implementation of Hybrid Power Plant to Feed a Residential Area
<p>This project was mainly focusing on possibility of building a solar wind hybrid power plant is to power the residential buildings in Zawia City which is ((Deela residential area)). The weather profile data for Solar and wind were studied and analyzed for the proposed area. Based on the power consumption; it has been decided that a 2.1 MW power plant is adequate choice to satisfy the demand. This load will be divided to 1.8 MW for the solar field and 0.3 MW for the wind farm according to the energy potential in the selected site. The system components and requirements were designed and specified using amount of software. The hybrid system costs including the initial costs, operation and maintenance costs have been calculated for a 20 years lifetime in order to calculate the electricity price and the payback period which is turned out to be (8.3 years).</p>Eyhab Abolaed BarkahAli A AlkharboushiAbdulhamid Salim AlharamAmjad Abdulsalam AlshafhMehdi Mohamed Baker
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2024-07-162024-07-1662058070تأثير نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية على أداء العاملين في البنوك التجارية
<p>تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة تأثير نظام معلومات الموارد البشرية على أداء العاملين في البنوك التجارية الليبية. تم اعتماد طريقة المقطع العرضي في هذه الدراسة ، تم تصميم أداة الاستبيان لجمع البيانات من عينة مكونة من 285 موظفا. أظهرت نتائج هذه الدراسة وجود علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين نظم معلومات الموارد البشرية وأداء الموظفين داخل مصرفين هما المصرف التجاري الوطني و مصرف الجمهورية .</p>عمر المختار مصباح ابوزيدمفتاح محمد الأطرشنضال المبروك محمد
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2024-07-162024-07-1662071078Sedimentology and Petrography of the Mamuniyat Formation, Elephant Oil Field Concession NC174, NW Murzuq Basin, SW Libya
<p>This research aims to study the sedimentary and petrography interpretation of the Mamouniyat Formation in the El Feel oil field, concession NC174 in the Murzuq Basin through investigation and analysis of core samples, wireline log data and conventional core analysis for the key well (F2-NC174) located on the western part of E.O Field. The Mamouniyat Formation has been Lithostratigraphically divided into three members based on grain size and wireline log response. Five facies have been known in the Mamouniyat Formation, according to specific associations with rock types and their lithological and sedimentological characteristics. All these facies were collected into three different facies associations. The sandstone is internally structured by symmetrical to asymmetrical wave ripples and parallel lamination. The Petrographic study indicate that the Mamuniyat Formation consists primarily of sublitharenite rocks with the presence of some litharenites and quartiz arenites. The studies also made it clear that the average Mamuniyat porosity is approximately ranging from medium to good porosity.</p>A. A. KushlafA. ShiwaYahia A. Salem
Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology
2024-07-192024-07-1962079092Impact of Pollution on Leakage Current in Polymeric Insulators: Time and Frequency Domain Analysis
<p><em>Insulators are used to provide mechanical support as well as prevent the flow of electricity that is not required for the transmission of high voltage electricity. Silicon rubber insulators are the commonly used insulating materials and are thus used in the highly polluted environment. Composite insulators are known to outperform the ceramic insulators. The Mechanical and reliability of polymeric insulators are critical for the high-performance voltage transmission lines and since most high voltage electricity transformation is done using the overhead lines safety and performance of the composite insulators used must be considered. </em><em>This paper aims to analysis of the leakage current in time and frequency domain, particularly completed for polluted polymeric insulator surfaces. </em><em>The results indicate that significantly enhance the performance of polymeric insulator, the analysis of LC behaviors under different conditions can be monitored. In order to get an accurate picture of the insulator performance and surface activity, field measurement is required.</em></p>Ali Mustafa madiNizar RamadanImad Omara Shebani Etomi
Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology
<p><em>It is well known that continuous system motion equations are based on partial differential equations. Their solutions are more difficult than discrete systems’ equations of motions, especially if the equations of motions are non-linear. Different efforts have been implemented to solve non-linear partial differential equations for a long time. Researchers have tried to use different methods for this purpose. Modified Adomian Decomposition Method (MADM) is a promising method and has been applied to solve non-linear partial differential equations obtained in engineering systems. In this article, MADM is used to investigate the forced vibration of the Euler-Bernoulli (EB) cracked beams under a moving load. For this purpose, MADM was used to create the mentioned vibration response. This model consists of moving load acting on two continuous segments where the crack is modeled as a rotational spring with sectional flexibility. For this purpose, the equations of motion with a fourth order have been used. They are non-homogenous partial differential equations, which were used for mathematical modeling. Dynamic response was analyzed to understand the cracked supported beam beneath the moving load, which revealed the impact of concentrated force on crack location as well as extension. Some numerical results were presented by using MATLAB software to compute the vibration analysis and plot the deflection. The solution and its methodology were verified with the help of some studies. Results have shown that MADM is effective and accurate for vibration analysis of cracked beams under a moving load.</em></p>Naseradin AbujnahNizar Ramadan
Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology
2024-07-272024-07-2762103120Improve Feedback Linearization Control For SISO Nonlinear Systems
<p><em>Feedback linearization is a powerful technique used in control systems to transform the dynamics of nonlinear systems into a linear form, making them easier to analyze and control. However, dealing with highly nonlinear systems can be challenging and complicated. This paper aims to address this issue by proposing an improved approach to the feedback linearization method. To enhance the feedback linearization control of single-input single output (SISO) nonlinear systems, the paper explores two main strategies. The first approach involves adjusting the control gains in conjunction with other parameters to optimize the control performance. This allows for fine-tuning the system’s behavior and response to achieve desired objectives. The second approach focuses on evaluating the performance of the feedback linearization control through simulations under diverse scenarios, disturbances, and reference inputs. By conducting these simulations, the researchers can thoroughly analyze how the system behaves and performs under various conditions. Importantly, throughout these adjustments and simulations, ensuring system stability remains a crucial consideration. The paper delves into two specific techniques for designing feedback linearization control: input-output linearization and input-state linearization. Both techniques offer distinct advantages and trade-offs depending on the system requirements and characteristics. By employing these techniques, the designer aims to achieve the desired behavior and performance of the SISO nonlinear system.</em></p>Abdunaser M. AbdusamadFarag I. k. Mousa
Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology
<p>This study investigates the design and optimization model of acetic acid production by oxidation of ethylene using Aspen Plus software. The input to simulation process is the vapor feed stream with CO2, N2 as bottom stream and H2O as top input stream. The research aims to understand and study the production process of acetic acid and study the operational variables and their effects on the production. According to simulation model, the acetic acid has been produced as liquid in bottom stream after six stages inside absorber. Moreover, the flow rate, temperature and pressure have been controlled and analyzed as sensitivity parameters. The basic product is acetic acid produced with mole flow about 0.6 kmol/hr and the mole fraction about 0.004 at 30.3 °C temperature and 10 bar pressure.</p>Abir MaiufNizar Ramadan
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2024-09-072024-09-0762139149Generating Motion by Optimizing The Rowat and Silverstone of Neural Oscillator for Defining Human Gait Patterns
<p><em>This study discusses the effect of the Rowat and Silverstone of Neural Oscillator for Defining Human Gait Patterns by using both the Genetic Algorithm and hybrid function. By omitting pulse generators in the Rowat and Silverstone of Neural Oscillator, because of that it changes to a new type of Central Patterns Generator. By optimizing a new type and compare with the real data that we get from Tema Motion software. This paper will show that it is possible to produce rhythmic patterns like the rhythmic patterns derived from real data without any sensor feedback. This study will also be concerned with the most effective parameters of the Rowat and Silverstone Neural Oscillator</em></p>Esra Abdalftah Alshibani Alshibani Abdalftah Elbasir Gumah Elbori Elbori
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2024-09-072024-09-0762150167دور أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية للمصارف التجارية
<p>هدفت هذه الدراسة إلي التعرف على دور أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية دراسة ميدانية على فروع مصرف الجمهورية، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة استخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي واستخدام استمارة استبيان لجمع البيانات والمعلومات وتحليلها وتفسيرها باستخدام برنامج (SPSS) الذي يحتوي على حزمة من الاختبارات الإحصائية، وتوصلت الدراسة إلي نتائج أهمها وجود علاقة طردية موجبة بين أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفيةوبين تحقيق الميزة التنافسية بالمصارف قيد الدراسة، وكلما توفرت أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية لدى المصارف قيد الدراسة زاد ذلك من فرصة الحصول على الميزة التنافسية، وأيضاًهناك وجود علاقة ارتباطية بين أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية كماأظهرت نتائج إجابات معامل الارتباط بين كل عبارة من عبارات أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية للمصارف والدرجة الكلية تبين أن معاملات الارتباط المبينة ذات دلالة إحصائية.</p> <p>وتقدم الدراسة جملة من التوصيات أبرزها زيادة الاهتمام والتركيز على كل أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية عن طريق وضع استراتيجيات وبرامج مختلفة لمواجهة احتياجات العملاء، ودراسة المعوقات التي تحد من أمكانية تطبيق وتطويرجميع محاور أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية المقدمة بالمصارف قيدا لدراسة ووضع سياسات ناجحة مبنية على دراسات علمية وتسويقية تحقق للعاملين والعملاء وللمصارف ميزة تنافسية.</p>حورية الهادي مفتاح الفقي
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2024-09-072024-09-0762168183Using the Semantic Method for Teaching Programming in Higher Education
<p>We shall write a thorough and comprehensive abstract about this groundbreaking and innovative study for teaching programming in higher education. Our aim is to present a detailed overview of the key findings, methodologies, and implications of this research. By providing a clear and concise summary, we hope to facilitate a deeper understanding and engagement with the subject matter. Through diligent analysis and rigorous investigation, we have uncovered fascinating insights that have the potential to significantly contribute to the existing body of knowledge in this field. Furthermore, we have meticulously considered various theoretical frameworks and explored diverse perspectives to ensure a well-rounded and robust representation of the study. This abstract serves as a gateway to delve further into the intricacies of this research and invites scholarly discourse and meaningful dialogue. In conclusion, we are confident that our abstract encapsulates the essence of this study and paves the way for further exploration, investigation, and meaningful collaboration among researchers, academics, and professionals interested in advancing the frontiers of knowledge and innovation in this remarkable field of study.</p>Amel Abdyssalam A Alhaag
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2024-09-082024-09-0862184203فعالية كفاءة التغذية المعدنية لمحصول القمح اعتماداً على كثافة التسميد
<p>تم إجراء فحص كفاءة التغذية المعدنية للقمح الشتوي في موسمين إنتاج (2022-2023) في التجربة الميدانية في احدى مزارع القمح والشعير بوادي ابو الطفل في مدينة جالو. يعرض البحث نتائج تأثير التغذية المعدنية لـ 20 نوع من التسميد بالنتروجين والفوسفور والبوتاسيوم مع جرعات متزايدة على محصول حبوب القمح الشتوي والكفاءة الزراعية للمغذيات المستخدمه.</p> <p>وكان للنيتروجين التأثير الأكبر معنوياً على زيادة انتاج محصول القمح. حيث كانت أكبر زيادة في المحصول لكل كيلوغرام واحد من المغذيات المستخدمة كانت للنيتروجين (في المتوسط لمدة عامين 25.35 كجم م من الحبوب / 1 كجم م من النيتروجين المستخدم)، يليه الفوسفور (8.60 كجم حبوب/ 1 كجم م P2O5)، وأقلها البوتاسيوم (4.71 كجم م حبوب / 1 كجم م K2O). تميل الكفاءة الزراعية للنيتروجين، وكانت تميل إلى الانخفاض مع زيادة كثافة التسميد النيتروجيني. أعلى كفاءة لاستخدام الأسمدة النتروجينية كانت عند التسميد بـ 50 كجم نيتروجين/هكتار.</p>ابوبكر حركات بريكباسم قفةامير المغربي حمد عبد الرحمن
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2024-10-022024-10-0262204211تأثير درجات الحرارة علي كفاءة محطات التحلية المنزلية
<p>اجريت الدراسة علي محطة تحلية منزلية تعمل بالتناضح العكسي وكان الغرض من هذه الدراسة اختبار كفاءة هذه المحطات علي انتاج ماء صالح للشرب عند درجات حرارة مختلفة حيث تم اختيار نوعان من الابار مختلفة في قيم TDS وتمت معالجة الماء في ثلاث درجات حرارة مختلفة اظهرت النتائج ان ارتفاع درجات الحرارة الماء قيل المعالجة لها تأثير علي كفاءة المحطة في التخلص من الاملاح وخفض قيمة TDS وكلما زادت درجة الحرارة كانت هناك زيادة في قيمة TDS في الماء الناتج ، وكانت نتائج TDS تحت الحدود المسموح بها لموصفات مياه الشرب الليبية في الدرجات الحرارة المختلفة اما قيمة pH تقع في الحدود المسموح بها.</p>عبدالرزاق سالم مسعود طروم
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2024-10-022024-10-0262212216العلاقة بين فصائل الدم وزمن النزف والتجلط
<p>منذ العصور القديمة، أدرك الإنسان أهمية الدم في الحفاظ على الحياة وخطورة فقدانه بكميات كبيرة. مع تطور العلوم في القرن التاسع عشر واستخدام المجهر الضوئي، تبيّن أن الدم يبدو متشابهًا بين الأفراد، مما أدى إلى اعتقاد خاطئ بإمكانية نقل الدم دون أضرار. ومع ذلك، باءت المحاولات الأولى بالفشل نتيجة عدم فهم الاختلافات بين فصائل الدم.</p> صلاح الدين يوسف السوكنيخالد الهادي ابراهيم شكشكاشرف احمد احمد محنة
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2024-10-132024-10-1362217228الزراعة المائية في ليبيا التحديات والفرص
<p>Hydroponics is regarded as one of the promising advancements in agricultural industry providing a rather effective answer to ecological and agricultural problems, including the shortage of fresh water in many countries including Libya. Hence, this research seeks to examine the viability and prospects for hydroponic systems in Libya as well as present a legal and policy framework to foster its use. Leisurely reading the existing body of literature and conducting 1:1 interview with the specialized professionals, the broad range of problems and prospects associated with the hydroponics’ application, embracing environmental and economic impacts, technological uses of hydroponics, and the challenges encountered on the way to implementing these systems, were outlined.</p> <p>The study established that the use of hydroponics easily enhances food security in Libya through increased on water usage as well as increasing food production. Nevertheless, further development of this sector implied further governmental support, which should promote the formation of incentive policies encouraging the utilization of further advanced technologies. Also, there are serious requirements for development of large-scale infrastructure and development of personnel upgrade programs as a result of which local capabilities should be improved significantly.</p> <p>The research underscores the need for a clear and coherent political and regulatory agenda through which progress toward more sustainable forms of agriculture can be enabled and into which innovation and investment priorities can be directed. These findings therefore present a useful starting point for managers and investors interested in approaching hydroponics in Libya systematically.</p>حسن عمران الصويعي الرقيعي
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2024-11-142024-11-1462229242حساب عمر النصف لجسيمات ألفا الناتجة من اضمحلال النوى الشفعية - شفعية باستخدام جهد نووي معدل
<p>يتأثر جسيم بطاقة الجهد النووي أو جهد كولوم عندما يقترب من النواة ويصل إلى أقصاه عند المسافة بين مركزي نواة جسيم والنواة الوليدة، هذا الجهد النووي غير كافي لحساب إحتمالية تسرب جسيم من أو إلى النوى المشعة له الذي تم مشاهدته عمليا، ثم حساب عمر النصف له، تم في هذه الورقة افتراض تأثر جسيم بجهد نووي غير خطي لمسافة صغيرة دون هذه المسافة وينتهي عند تلك المسافة من مركز النواة ثم يقع جسيم تحت تأثير الجهد التجاذبي الثابت، يوفر هذا الجهد الإضافي إمكانية حساب إحتمالية انبعاث أو ولوج جسيم إلى النوى الشفعية - شفعية بالقدر الكافي لحساب عمر النصف بما يتفق مع المقاس بالتجربة.</p>عبدالرحيم الطاهر عمرإنتصار مصطفى الفلاح
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2024-11-142024-11-1462243248استخدام اختبار (Kruskal-Wallis) اللامعلمي لدراسة الفروقات بين العوامل المؤثرة على أوزان الأطفال حديثي الولادة
<p> Nonparametric tests are statistical methods or techniques used in the case of data that do not follow the normal distribution and in the case of not specifying the probability distribution of the data. This study aims to identify how to use the nonparametric Kruskal-Waillis test and its applications using SPSS v27 to determine the most important differences between the factors affecting the weight of newborns in the city of Zawiya. The study was conducted on a random sample consisting of (50) cases of recent births, for the purpose of studying the differences between the factors affecting the weights of newborns. The results of the study showed through the application of the Kruskal-Waillis test that there is a significant effect at a significance level of (0.05) for each of (the level of nutrition of the pregnant mother - the mother's blood pressure rate - the mother's blood sugar rate) on the weight of newborns. It also became clear through the application of the Eta Squared coefficient ( ) that there is a significant effect of these factors on the change or differences that occurred in the weights of newborns in the city of Zawiya.</p>سعيد خليفة ساسي أقبصهناء يوسف محمد العريفي
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<p>PVT properties are very important in reservoir and production engineering analyses such as material balance calculations, well testing, reserve estimation, inflow performance, production operations and design of surface facilities. It is used to distinguish the properties of reservoir fluids, which is significant in various reservoir studies. The current paper is about a case study of the Ghani oilfield. This study was conducted to highlight PVT data analysis for Ghani oil field that carried out on two wells namely and Well XX 11-11 including two rock formations are Facha and Gir Formations respectively. The primary objective of this study is to present the most commonly used PVT correlations and properties for saturation pressure (p<sub>sat</sub>), solution gas/oil ratio (R<sub>s</sub>), oil density ( ), deviation factor (z) and the gas formation volume factor (B<sub>g</sub>) at saturation pressure. A subsurface sample was collected from the subjected wells for use in a reservoir fluid study. The results that obtained from different tests revealed that the hydrocarbon composition analysis of the studied fluid for the investigated Well XX-1-11 of Facha Formation shows heptanes plus 59.91 mole percent, with specific density 0.8463 and API 35.5; while in Well XX 11-11 of Gir Formation is 54.76 mole percent with specific density, 0.8476 and API 35.3. The saturated pressures are 283 and 351 psig with viscosity 1.02 and 1.37 centipoise at 130 and 122ºF respectively. The results of reservoir fluid data of separation tests showing a variation in values for the investigated parameters e. g., gas/oil ratio, stock tank gravity (ºAPI), formation volume factor, separator volume factor and specific gravity of flashed gas at different ranges of pressure and separator temperature 75ºF for both the two wells. The hydrocarbon analysis of separator gas samples were examined at different conditions e. g. 80 @ 75ºF, 40 @ 75ºF and 0 psig @ 75ºF. The components of studied hydrocarbons are varied with changing separator conditions.</p>Seham N. TawficIbrahim M. Abou El LeilSomaya A. Altayeb
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2024-11-142024-11-1462261280دور التسهيلات الائتمانية في تحقيق التنمية و النمو الاقتصادي
<p>إن التسهيلات الائتمانية المصرفية الممنوحة على هيئة قروض أو استثمارات تعمل على تحقيق أهداف التنمية الاقتصادية حيث إن أهمية العوامل النقدية والمالية من عوامل الاستقرار والتنمية الاقتصادية والنمو الاقتصادي حيث تناول البحث مفهوم التسهيلات المصرفية وعلاقته بالتنمية والنمو الاقتصادي حيث ان للمصارف التجارية العامة دور مهم في التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للدول المتقدمة والنامية على حد سواء, حيث تعتمد عليها الأنشطة الاقتصادية كافة سواء الزراعي أو الصناعي أو الخدمي أو التجاري.</p>فتحى ساسي احمد قنيدىابوعجيلة فرج الهوارى
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2024-11-142024-11-1462281289Analysis of Market Requirements in the Field of Information Technology in Libya
<p>Continuous changes in advanced information technology contribute to exacerbating the shortage of IT professionals in both the public and private sectors. The types of skills required from IT professionals are also directly affected by these technological changes. This study aims to identify the various skills demanded from IT professionals [1].</p> <p>As part of this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Libyan labor market by distributing a set of questionnaires to Libyan state institutions. These questionnaires were designed to gather precise information regarding the market's needs for skills and expertise.</p> <p>The results indicate significant challenges related to graduates' qualifications and the availability of training opportunities, necessitating the enhancement of training and professional development programs. Clear trends toward the use of specific technologies in various fields, such as artificial intelligence, data analysis, and information security, are also evident. These findings provide important insights for educational institutions and the job market, helping to improve the alignment of skills with market needs.</p> <p>Therefore, it is essential to invest in the development of new training programs that align with rapid technological changes and meet the ever-evolving requirements of the labor market. Improving the quality of education and training in this field will enhance graduates' opportunities and increase their competitiveness in the job market.</p>Saad A. Al DeebMohammed F. Al Boashi
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2024-11-152024-11-1562290302Study of Relationship between the slice thickness vs. image Quality in Abdomen CT Examinations with fixed another parameter
<p>High-quality and detailed computed tomography (CT) images are essential for accurate diagnosis. Factors such as image noise and slice thickness affect image quality. This study aimed to determine the optimal slice thickness that minimizes image noise while maintaining adequate diagnostic information using multi-slice CT (MSCT). To investigate the effect of slice thickness on noise and contrast in images, four patients who underwent abdominal CT scans were consecutively studied. They were scanned at two levels of slice thickness: 2 mm and 5 mm, and 3 mm and 5 mm, respectively other parameter are the same.</p> <p>Then, quantitative analysis was performed. The study showed that thin slice thickness led to: Reduced image noise Increased contrast Improved detection Therefore, a balance should be considered between changing slice thickness and diagnostic content and image noise., slice thickness of 2 mm was identified as an optimal choice to minimize image noise and achieve better and more accurate detection using a single-source head CT protocol. The study also revealed that image noise tends to increase with increasing slice thickness.</p>Fathi A. AwushahRajab.B. Yousef
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2024-11-202024-11-2062303312Improvement of Medical Image Near Lossless Coding Algorithm using Grayscale and Bit Plan Matrix
<p>Lossless compression techniques can be implemented by entropy coding such as Huffman coding, Differential Huffman coding, Lempel Ziv coding, Run length coding …etc. In this paper, a new near lossless image coding algorithm using different technique will be presented. Our coding algorithm is based on two matrices formulations, which are Gray Scale Matrix (GSM) and Bit Plan Matrix (BPM). Those matrices have been used for encoding and decoding process. As a result, the computational complexity is greatly simplified, therefore producing a very fast coding and encoding processes.</p> <p>This algorithm is most suitable for those images where lossy compression is avoided such as medical images used for teleradiology and telemedicine purposes. Different CT images have been tested. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using the compression ratio (CR) and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). The obtained simulation results showed that a compression ratio of 3.55:1 to 12.15:1 was achieved without affecting the quality of the clinical information.</p>SEDDEQ. E. GHRARE IBRAHIM A. AKERMI
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2024-12-092024-12-0962313320تأثير العوامل المناخية والبيئية على أنماط هجرة الطيور المهاجرة في جزيرة فروة
<p>تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى استكشاف تأثير العوامل البيئية والمناخية على أنماط هجرة الطيور في جزيرة فروة، مع التركيز على الفروق في الاستجابات البيئية بين الأنواع المختلفة. من خلال جمع وتحليل البيانات الميدانية، تم تحديد تأثيرات سرعة الرياح ودرجات الحرارة على توزيع ونشاط الطيور المهاجرة، مثل الخرشنة الشائعة والنورس ذو الأرجل الصفراء والبلشون الرمادي والبلشون الأبيض الصغير.</p> <p>أظهرت النتائج أن الظروف المناخية تلعب دورًا حاسمًا في تفضيل الأنواع المختلفة لبيئات معينة، مما يبرز أهمية الشواطئ الرملية والسواحل الصخرية كمواقع أساسية للراحة والتغذية. كما أشارت الدراسة إلى حساسية بعض الأنواع، مثل البلشون</p> <p>الرمادي، للتغيرات البيئية، مما يتطلب مزيدًا من الرصد والفهم.</p> <p>توصي الدراسة بإجراءات متعددة للحفاظ على التنوع البيئي، بما في ذلك تعزيز برامج المراقبة المستمرة للطيور وصون الموائل الطبيعية الأساسية، بالإضافة إلى تفعيل التعاون المحلي والدولي لدعم استراتيجيات الحماية الفعالة.</p> <p>تقدم هذه الدراسة رؤى قيمة للممارسات البيئية الناجحة، مؤكدةً على أهمية الجمع بين القواعد العلمية والمعرفة المحلية لضمان استدامة النظم البيئية الحيوية في جزيرة فروة.</p>محمد السوري أحمد الجرميأسماء الطاهر أبراهيم الشريفنبيه رمضان الكوني الرعاش
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<p>This study aims to explore the possibility of using flared natural gas as a cheaper and more eco-friendly alternative to diesel fuel at the Tobruk gas power station, since it is readily available from oil and gas fields in Libya. The utilization of gas flare of two gas fields namely Faregh and El Ragouba gas fields have been highlighted. The physical and chemical properties of natural gas and diesel from Faregh and El Ragouba gas fields will be evaluated to assess their suitability for power generation. Data on daily gas flaring volumes is analyzed to evaluate the potential for energy recovery, while the economic feasibility of using flared natural gas as an alternative to diesel is assessed and Faregh and El Ragouba gas fielded. The total gas being flared in the two fields are approximately 6.350 and 0.18 MMSCF/D respectively. The daily output from flare natural gas of Faregh and El Ragouba gas fields gives a significant values of power generation comparing with diesel fuel. Also, the total energy from flare natural gas per day for both gas fields regarded as reliable values as alternative fuel. The calculating heating values of flare natural gas for Faregh and El Ragouba gas fields are 7329.15 Btu/scf and 1248.94 Btu/scf respectively. These values indicate that they fall within the required specifications for the heating value of natural gas fuel used in power plant turbines. Additionally, the Wobbe Index values are consistent with the typical range specified in the literature on natural gas turbine specifications.</p>Ibrahim M. Abou El LeilSeham N. TawficSomaya A. Altayeb
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2024-12-112024-12-1162336351أثر تطبيق بيع المرابحة للآمر بالشراء على تحسين مستوى أداء العاملين في المصارف الليبية
<p>The study aimed to explore the impact of implementing Murabaha to the Purchase Ordered on improving employee performance in Libyan banks. It focused on understanding the relationship between the use of this Islamic financing tool and employee performance in terms of efficiency, productivity, and job satisfaction. The study also sought to evaluate employee perceptions of this application to identify the associated challenges and benefits, aiming to provide practical recommendations for enhancing job performance when using Islamic financing products. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to 53 employees in banks operating in the Al-Jufra region and analyzed using SPSS software. The results revealed that Murabaha to the Purchase Ordered contributes to improving job performance by increasing employee efficiency and motivating productivity. However, the study highlighted the presence of challenges related to operational and organizational procedures that may affect the effectiveness of its application. The findings also demonstrated the need for banks to enhance their employees' understanding of the Murabaha concept through specialized training programs. The study emphasized the importance of developing internal policies and procedures to ensure the smooth and flexible implementation of such financial products. Additionally, it underlined the necessity of improving communication channels between management and employees to raise awareness of the objectives and benefits of this financial tool. The study concluded that applying Murabaha to the Purchase Ordered can have a tangible positive impact on employee performance in Libyan banks, provided the associated challenges are addressed through employee training, improved organizational procedures, and the development of strategies aimed at enhancing employee understanding and motivation.</p>المكاشفي الخضر الطاهربشير امحمد الشيانيالبصيري البشير القدافي
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2024-12-112024-12-1162352368العوامل النفسية والاجتماعية المرتبطة بإقبال النساء على حقن الميزو ثرابي للوجه
<p>Plastic surgery is one of the common surgical procedures all over the world, and the popularity of these operations is constantly increasing, including in the Arab world and Libyan society, due to the growing technical and technological medical progress year after year, as these operations have become safer, easier and give accurate results, as medical progress has contributed to the development of many new technologies used in plastic surgery, such as laser, injections and stem cell therapy, and these techniques have led to improved results and increased safety, making Plastic surgeries are more attractive to people, and social media has played a major role in raising awareness of plastic surgery, and clarifying great differences before and after plastic surgery, as celebrities and pioneers of these sites publish their experiences and the results they obtained from these operations, in addition to hospitals and doctors publishing pictures before and after showing the results of these operations, which helped to increase the demand for plastic surgery, and the social and functional factor plays a major role in urging people to undertake plastic surgery, especially when Those who have a large income, the high standard of living and perch income made them. </p> <p>This research dealt with the psychological and social factors associated with women's demand for mesotherapy injections in the face, and the sample consisted of 50 women from the total community sample, represented by some faculty members, employees, teaching assistants and students aged between (30-60) in the field training clinic in the Department of Pharmacy at the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences and Technologies / Abu Salim, and for the small size of the sample, an electronic questionnaire form was used and distributed on social networking sites and consisted of 70 women aged (30 years to 70 year) and the total number of 120 and sorted 70 valid, and used the descriptive approach because it is the most appropriate and the use of a questionnaire form to collect data was designed after referring to some previous studies, and it was found from what the study concluded that the majority of women and those aged (50-60) accept these operations by (80%), and the research showed that the fear of pigmentation and signs of aging was by (56%), and that women are in constant contact with cosmetic clinics through social sites by (42%), and has The research recommended spreading awareness of awareness lectures in universities and women's gathering places such as gymnasiums.</p>هالة غيث بن شتيأسامة محمد بن رجب
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2024-12-112024-12-1162369389The Effect of Industrial Wastewater on Seawater Pollution
<p>Water pollution represents a significant global challenge, posing a threat to the health and well-being of humans, plants, and animals. The Mediterranean Sea stands out as one of the world's most crucial water bodies, surrounded by nineteen countries and hosting over ten thousand distinct species. This marine ecosystem is vital for millions of people, meeting their nutritional, functional, and recreational needs and serving as a crucial habitat for the nourishment and reproduction of numerous endangered species. Marine pollution results from the introduction of substances or energy into the marine ecosystem through human activities, leading to adverse effects on living resources, endangering human health, and impacting maritime activities. The Mediterranean Sea is anticipated to face substantial impacts due to human activities, with rapid industrial growth and population expansion in coastal regions contributing to the proliferation of domestic and industrial pollutants, thereby creating health, economic, and environmental challenges. Long-term environmental repercussions of unregulated industrial discharges are frequently disregarded in economic assessments concerning costs and benefits. Nonetheless, mounting evidence indicates the accumulation of hazardous industrial by-products in marine organisms. This issue, coupled with the detrimental effects of pollution on recreational pursuits like swimming, surfing, and fishing, raises significant concerns. Industrial wastewater undergoes treatment to eliminate pollutants through diverse methodologies and mechanisms tailored to specific needs. Treatment approaches are categorized into distinct or integrated physical, chemical, and biological methods. Consequently, this paper aims to provide an in-depth examination of marine pollution, its various forms, impacts, and disposal techniques.</p>Zainab Amer MohammedRuqaia AbuAjila SheliqAmal Ali Sanun
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2024-12-122024-12-1262390400Some Applications of Catas Operator to P-valent Starlike Functions
<p>The purpose of the present paper, is to investigate and study some new subclasses of p-valent starlike, convex, close-to-convex, and quasi-convex functions associated with Catas operator in the open unit disk .</p> <p>Inclusion relations are established, defined the integral operator of functions in these subclasses and some properties of them are discussed.</p> <p>Also defined combining operation between Catas operator with Libera integral operator for these subclasses in , also we use some Lammas and identities of operators to get and proof main results of these subclasses. </p>Abdusalam R. Ahmed
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2024-12-222024-12-2262401410Investigating the impact of complex topography in sand dune areas on the application of static corrections in NC 210 seismic lines
<p>Sand dune interference poses significant challenges for seismic data acquisition and processing in the Murzuq Basin, southwestern Libya. The region's extensive sand dune fields introduce notable noise into seismic records, complicating data processing and generating spurious subsurface images. Additionally, the unique geomorphology of sand dunes, characterized by steep slopes and low seismic velocities, induces time delays in seismic wave propagation, resulting in distorted and inaccurate reflection data.</p> <p>To address these issues, a comprehensive reprocessing effort was undertaken on three seismic lines (202, 207, and 209), totaling 12 kilometers, at the Western Geco processing center in Tripoli using Omega software. The study focused on evaluating the efficacy of various gain correction techniques; including time function gain, geometric spreading, and residual amplitude analysis compensation (RAAC). In parallel, a comparative analysis of conventional uphole and elevation static methods were conducted.</p> <p>Preliminary findings suggest that the uphole method offers superior performance in mitigating static problems compared to the elevation method. A detailed assessment of the gain correction techniques is currently underway to determine their respective contributions to overall data quality improvement.</p>Riyadh AlhajniNaser altoumiEntsar hamanSalah Elgabir
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2024-12-222024-12-2262411422Measuring Total Factor Productivity Growth in Agriculture in Libya (1980-2020): Malmquist Index
<p>The study addressed the measurement of the growth of total productivity of agricultural factors of production in Libya during 1980-2020. It was based on a basic hypothesis that there is a weakness in the growth of total productivity of production factors. The low contribution of agriculture to the gross domestic product makes it imperative to study the reasons behind this. Measuring the growth of total productivity of production factors is one of the factors that affect the rates of total agricultural production, including knowing the efficiency in the use of resources and thus avoiding the waste of resources. This paper used the Malmquist index to measure the growth rate of total productivity of agricultural factors in Libya from 1980 to 2020. The data were collected from the World Food Organization and the World Bank. The results showed that the average growth of total productivity of production factors during the study period was only 0.6%, and this rate reflects the slow growth of productivity and that the growth rate of total productivity of production factors accelerated during the last two decades and was less than one in the eighties and nineties. While there was growth in agricultural productivity from 2001 to 2020. In general, during the general average of technical efficiency for four decades, it was about 64%, meaning that the same average production could be obtained by reducing 36% of the quantities of production factors. And 11% of the land element, 24% of the labor element, 2% of the irrigated land element, 6% of the number of tractors, 7% of fertilizers, and 3% of the number of animals could have been dispensed with to produce the total amount. Hence, the study recommends the need to make efforts to develop and improve the performance of the agricultural sector through the efficient use of production inputs</p>hanan alabasi
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2022-12-222022-12-2262423434The Role of Calculus in Mathematical Analysis of Physical and Engineering Systems review article
<p>The paper reviews differentiation and integration with regard to the analysis of physical and engineering systems in light of practical applications of state-of-the-art techniques. The research covers four major axes. First, it deals with basic theoretical concepts such as derivatives, integrals, and their relationship through the fundamental theorem of calculus. Second, it reviews the role of differential equations regarding the modeling of dynamic systems, such as motion and thermal diffusion. Third, the research addresses engineering and physical applications, such as designing dynamic structures and aerodynamics. Fourth, modern techniques involve the use of fractional calculus and differential-supported neural networks in order to enhance the accuracy and solve complex problems. Results indicate the importance of differentiation and integration as comprehensive tools of analysis applied for understanding natural and engineering systems; the role of modern techniques in enhancing their accuracy and efficiency is also pointed out. The study also demonstrates how differentiation and integration are adapted to be integrated with modern technologies, such as AI and nanotechnology, while increasing their importance in facing future challenges.</p>Ahlam alhadiKarema alrabbae
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2024-12-222024-12-2262435446الصناعة 4.0 وتقنية البلوكشين والبيانات الضخمة في مجال سلاسل التوريد: مراجعة تحليلية
<p>The use of technology has become an essential requirement in supply chain management operations. Research in digital supply chain management (SCM) has recently emerged as a trending area of study. This study aims to explore and summarize the research conducted thus far in this field and highlights future research prospects for integrating digitalization with supply chain management. To conduct this study, we performed a systematic literature review using multiple software tools to classify the current literature on digital SCM. Our findings indicate that Industry 4.0, Big Data, Blockchain, and supply chain resilience represent the four main categories in digital SCM research. This study explains the rationale behind the research focus on these four categories. This review helps researchers build a comprehensive understanding of the current research landscape in digital SCM and contributes to guiding future research to further explore the combination of SCM with Industry 4.0, Big Data, Blockchain, and supply chain resilience.</p>ابولقاسم محمد على انفيصحسين خليفة موسىايمان بلقاسم رحال
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