Surman Journal of Science and Technology <p><strong>Surman Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)</strong>: An international, semi-annual refereed scientific journal issued by Surman College of Science and Technology that aims to provide an opportunity for researchers in universities, institutions and specialized scientific bodies to provide more creative and innovative scientific and cultural giving, and to encourage original research that includes an original opinion or theory. Innovative or new discovery in various branches of knowledge in both Arabic and English.</p> <p><strong>Journal Mission</strong>:<br />Publishing refereed scientific research in science and engineering with a modern civilized vision in accordance with international scientific standards for acceptance and publication of research.</p> <p><strong>Journal Vision</strong>:<br />To be a scientific journal, leading in the field of refereed scientific research in science and engineering, and to be among the most famous databases of local, regional and international scientific institutions and societies in the service of scientific research.</p> <p><strong>Surman Journal of Science and Technology (SJST)</strong> adopts Open Access, a publication model that enables publication of research articles to the global community without restrictions via the Internet. Thus, anyone connected to the Internet can access all the articles, research and materials published in the journal.</p> <p><strong>Surman Journal of Science and Technology</strong> strongly supports the open access initiative. All abstracts and full texts of all articles published in the journal are available to everyone free of charge as soon as they are published.</p> en-US (Dr. Nizar Ramadan) (Dr. Abubaker Kashada) Sun, 14 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF POLYMER NEEDLES TO PRODUCE BY INJECTION MOLDING MACHINE <p>This paper study the production of small Needles by using Polymer materials. Ferro materials are commonly used, due to good mechanical properties, stainless steel is preferred for medical use, because it has high corrosion resistance and also a commonly used for medical application, but it is expensive and hard to clean for multiple use. The objective of this paper is to make simple, cheap, and one time use arrays of small scale solid polymer needles for health and beauty use. Micro injection molding process is the key technology for manufacturing polymeric parts with structure dimensions in micron and sub-micron range. In this paper A selected needle model was simulated via the results of suffered and strength analysis, and the array of needles was simulated with five different polymer materials (PS,PP,PLA,PC,ABS) by Mold Flow Analysis to make the right product with&nbsp; the suitable injection mold for the Micro Injection Molding machine</p> Samir S. Abubaker , Fathi Etaher Elbakoush , Nizar Ramadan, Salem A. Sultan, Mohamed. R. Budar Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology Sun, 14 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Degradation of Polymers Insulators used in Electrical Transmission Lines under the Rate of Bond Breaking <p><em>Polymer insulators, critical components in electrical systems, are prone to deterioration over time, particularly under dynamic conditions characterized by the rate of bond breaking. This study delves into the intricate mechanisms governing the degradation of polymer insulators exposed to varying rates of bond breaking. Employing a combination of experimental simulations and computational modeling, the research aims to unveil the underlying chemical and physical processes responsible for this degradation. Additionally, the investigation explores the impact of environmental factors on the rate of bond breaking and subsequent degradation.</em></p> <p><em>The research endeavors to provide a comprehensive understanding of the molecular-level transformations occurring within polymer insulators, shedding light on the nuanced aspects of their degradation. By identifying these mechanisms, the study seeks to propose effective strategies to mitigate degradation, ultimately enhancing the longevity and performance of polymer insulators. The anticipated outcomes hold the potential to guide the development of more resilient polymer insulators, contributing significantly to the reliability and efficiency of diverse electrical systems.</em></p> <p><em>The significance of this work extends to its alignment with the increasing demand for robust electrical systems. By addressing the challenges associated with polymer insulator degradation, the research stands as a pivotal contribution to the fields of electrical engineering and materials science. The insights gained from this study are poised to have a lasting impact on the design and implementation of polymer insulators, fostering advancements that bolster the overall reliability of electrical systems</em></p> Ali Mustafa Madi, Nizar Ramadan Ramadan, Abubaker Kashada, Khalid J Bisher Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH OF UNITED KINGDOM <p>When the country's financial system grows properly, it encourages innovations in technology by individuals capable of production. The relationship between finance and economic growth is not strange in the economics literature. This study examined the impact of financial development on economic growth in the United Kingdom during the period 1960-2015. The current study used the Johansen's co-integration test and concluded that development has a positive impact on economic growth. These results apply in the long term. The long-term impact supports the financial development factor. This is statistically significant and positive. (The investment gross fixed capital formation), which is of great statistical importance but is negative. Several other studies have shown a negative correlation between financial development and the economy. The amount of credit from domestic sources to the private sector has been shown to maintain a significant positive correlation with the growth of the economy through long-term periods, while gross fixed capital formation has reversed the long-term trend.</p> Aisha Abdllh Marzoug khalifa, Nizar Ramadan, Yasmina Mansour Alhasoume Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 دور نظم المعلومات المحاسبية في التحكم الداخلي والحد من الاحتيال المحاسبي <p>تعد المحاسبة من أهم العناصر التي تساهم في إدارة الأعمال واتخاذ القرارات الاقتصادية الصائبة، حيث تُعتبر معلومات المحاسبة ركيزة أساسية لتحليل أداء المؤسسة وتوجيهها نحو تحقيق الأهداف المرجوّة. ومن أجل ضمان دقة وموثوقية تلك المعلومات، فإن النظم المحاسبية الحديثة تلعب دورًا حيويًّا في التحكم الداخلي والحد من الاحتيال المحاسبي.</p> <p>يعدُّ التحكم الداخلي من أهم العناصر التي تساهم في ضمان نزاهة وموثوقية المعلومات المحاسبية، وذلك عن طريق وضع سياسات وإجراءات تنظيمية تهدف إلى حماية مصالح المؤسسة ومواردها المالية من التلاعب والإساءة. ومن هنا، يأتي دور نظم المعلومات المحاسبية، فهي الأداة التي تسهم في تنفيذ وتطبيق هذه السياسات والإجراءات ومراقبتها بشكل فعَّال.</p> <p>إنَّ تقنيات المعلومات الحديثة قد قدّمت تطويرات هائلة في مجال نظم المعلومات المحاسبية، مما أدى إلى تحسين كفاءة وفاعلية هذه النظم في مجالات عديدة. ومن بين هذه المجالات التي تأثرت بتطور تقنيات المعلومات المحاسبية هو التحكم الداخلي، حيث تم تزويد النظم المحاسبية بميزات تكنولوجية تمكِّنها من رصد العمليات المالية والمحاسبية بدقة عالية واكتشاف أي تباينات أو أنماط غير اعتيادية.</p> <p>كما أن نظم المعلومات المحاسبية الحديثة تسهم في تحسين آليات كشف الاحتيال المحاسبي، فهي تعمل على تحليل البيانات المالية واكتشاف أي أنماط غير متوقعة أو تصرفات غير عادية قد تشير إلى وجود احتمالية لوقوع احتيال. وبالتالي، يمكن للمؤسسات التدخل بشكل سريع واتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة للتصدي للمشكلات قبل أن تتفاقم.</p> <p>لهذا الغرض، يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة دور نظم المعلومات المحاسبية في التحكم الداخلي والحد من الاحتيال المحاسبي. سيتم استعراض الأدوار والوظائف التي تقوم بها تلك النظم في تحقيق التحكم الداخلي الفعال وتوفير الوقاية والكشف المبكر عن الاحتيال المحاسبي. سيتم أيضًا التطرق إلى بعض الدراسات والأبحاث السابقة التي تسلِّط الضوء على أهمية تلك النظم في المساهمة في نجاح المؤسسات واستدامتها من خلال ضمان نزاهة وشفافية العمليات المحاسبية. &nbsp;ستكون النتائج المتوقعة للدراسة سياقية وتوضح تأثير نظم المعلومات المحاسبية على تعزيز التحكم الداخلي وتحقيق أهداف الشفافية والنزاهة المالية في المؤسسات.</p> مفيدة ضو الهواري, منار حسين سلطان Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Detection and Classification of Skin Cancer Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) via KNIME Analytics Platform Software <p>The use of technologies from many fields, such as mass spectrometry, next-generation sequencing, or image processing, is common in experiments in the life sciences. Complex scripts are frequently used to govern data flow, data transformation, and statistical analysis when passing data between such tools. Such scripts not only tend to be platform dependant, but also tend to expand as the experiment goes on and are rarely clearly documented, which makes the experiment harder to reproduce. Workflow systems like KNIME Analytics Platform, which offers a platform for graphically linking tools and ensures the same results across various operating systems, aim to address these issues. systems that are frequently employed in the biological sciences and describe how they compare and contrast with KNIME. KNIME is an open source program that enables programmers and scientists to share their own extensions with the scientific community. The unified data model of KNIME allows for interoperability, and we describe a few additions from the life sciences that make it easier to explore, analyze, and visualize data. In addition, we mention additional workflow.&nbsp; According to the American Cancer Society, skin cancer is the most prevalent form of malignancy in humans. It is typically identified visually, with first clinical screenings, dermoscopic (skin-related) analysis, a biopsy, and histological examinations as potential follow-up steps. Errors (mutations) in the DNA of skin cells are the cause of skin cancer. The cells proliferate out of control and aggregate into a mass of cancer cells as a result of the mutations. In this paper, convolutional neural networks are used to attempt to categorize photos of skin lesions. The deep neural networks demonstrate enormous potential for classifying images while taking into account the extreme environmental heterogeneity. Due to the current state of technology, it is imperative to use machines rather than people to address the widespread problem of skin cancer. One of the best ways to address skin cancer issues is deep learning. Huge data, virtual reality, augmented reality, and mini-services are all used in the new research area of deep learning in contemporary technology. The advent of powerful arithmetic capabilities enabled deep learning applications using Mobile net (CNN) to revolutionize image classification. The various forms of skin cancer can be categorized using deep learning‪. Transfer Learning was used during the training on many models. The model's best level of accuracy was over 77.333 %. To guarantee the validity and reproducibility of the aforementioned result, the dataset employed is openly accessible.</p> Ahmad Mohamad El-fallah Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 3D Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Simulation of Turbulent Flow over Bank of Tubes <p>This study presents a simulation of the effect of different parameters on the performance of a bank of tubes. A CFD simulation of a 3D steady state turbulent flow over a bank of tubes was designed and analyzed using ANSYS fluent 19.0. The effect of cross-wise and stream-wise pitches of 1.25D, 1.5D, 1.75D and 2D as well as diameters of 1cm, 1.5cm, 1.75cm and 2cm on the heat transfer coefficient and skin friction coefficient of the tube were studied and analyzed for both inline and staggered configurations. Results have shown that the cross-wise and stream-wise pitches and tube diameters have a noticeable effect on the performance of the tube bank for both in line and staggered configuration. Results have also shown that the staggered configuration had a better thermal performance than inline configuration.</p> Motasim Shalgoum, Akram Abdullah Alharari, Talal Albireeshni, Alhosain Abdelhameed Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology Sun, 10 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 مدى وعي طلاب المرحلة الثانوية بأهمية التغذية الصحية وعلاقته بسلوكياتهم الغذائية دراسة ميدانية على عينة من طلاب المرحلة الثانوية ببعض مدارس ببلدية أبو سليم <p>The study summarizes the extent of awareness of secondary school students in Libya in general and Tripoli in particular on the importance of healthy, balanced food and the focus on controlling the diet followed in their diet. The study aimed to know the extent of health awareness of the importance of healthy nutrition among secondary school students and their commitment to it and to learn about control. In terms of the diet, they follow, and to know if there is a difference between males and females regarding the extent of their degree of healthy nutritional awareness, a descriptive analytical application was then used and this is the appropriate and appropriate types for this study. The creativity of the study included (200) student examiners and a random sample and small effects were used. The study procedures were special relativity, chi-square test, and w-test. The most important of which was that the school played its role in raising awareness of diseases related to healthy lunches (70%). Students willing to modify their diet to obtain a moderate break (80%) from effective study vocabulary. It was concluded that orders for fast food depend largely on its taste and they do not pay attention to the nutritional value (79%) of the detailed study items.</p> سلوى عبد النبي سالم, اسامة محمد بن رجب Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology Sun, 10 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GOOSE Message to Protect and Control Applications Using WLAN With IEC 61850v <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The new IEC 61850 integrates stability, security, interoperability, modeling, mapping to a substation, and reliability. Presently, at the time being expensive fiber-based Ethernet LAN is the most prevalent technology for medium and low-voltage distribution substations. To overcome this problem Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) has been introduced for its suitability and applications that are compliant with IEC 61850: automation, metering; control, monitoring; and over-current protection. In this paper, the IEEE 802.11n WLAN is studied when used in various IEC 61850-supported applications for substation automation. GOOSE message is a very important application to protect and control applications using the new protocol IEC 61850.</p> Elhadi Emhemed Aker, Mohamed Milood Almelian, N. H. Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Surman Journal of Science and Technology Mon, 11 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000